Unlearn Fear + Hate

Prompted by local conversations about history and identity, this artwork adopts words from a poem we commissioned by Frank X Walker. Read the entire poem in the Love Letter To the World portion of the Tattoo Projects (above).

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07 Rachel-web.jpg

Rachel "Haddie" Bryant

08 Camilo y Jackie-processed-web.jpg

Camilo and Jackie (with the Spanish language halo)

Hoda-web (Hoda (with the Arabic language halo)).jpg

Hoda with the Arabic language halo


Qian (with the Chinese language halo)


Hortense (with the Swahili language halo)


Shana (with the Hindi language halo)

web-Carnegie Center.jpg

found at the Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning in Lexington, KY

by Taylor Frederick Garcia.jpg

posted online by Taylor who discovered the stencil on a sidewalk

19 street.jpg

our friend Felice photographed her daughter and a friend drawing with chalk around a sidewalk stencil


colors of the Pan-African flag on the steps of Sav's Grill in Lexington, KY

Digital Photography by Chelsey Olson.jpg

The first of 14 times we painted a large stencil in the streets. We stenciled at this scale in 4 different languages, at Locations in Lexington, Nashville, Los Angeles and Capetown, South Africa


full installation of halos in the 25 most commonly spoken languages in Grand Rapids--part of ArtPrize 9


detail of previous image (with Hebrew halo)


Sara Beth joined us at an event to cross-stitch "Unlearn Fear + Hate" in all 153 languages spoken in Lexington

Hiromi IMG_6432-processed2-web.jpg

Hiromi with the Russian translation